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selftime treatments

In the comfort of your home


What else could be the best place to fully relax other than your home, where you feel the most comfortable? Your home it is!

I offer my services in the comfort of your home, there's literally no extra effort required from your side. All you have to do is focus on yourself and enjoy the massage.

I arrive at your place with a portable massage table and all the necessary equipment. We can either enjoy your favorite music or let me choose something relaxing from my collection.


Are you in pain or just want to relax?

If you prefer strong massages, you're at the right place.

If not, we can also apply gentle moves while still being effective at the same time.

It's your choice, my treatments are completely personalized!


  • Swedish massage
  • Deep Tissue massage
  • Trigger Point therapy
  • Cupping
  • Vagus Nerve treatment
  • Kinesio Taping
  • Pregnancy Taping
  • Swedish massage

    The Swedish massage has a stress-relieving effect, improves mood and sleep quality, and boosts the conditions of the skin, circulation, and lymphatic system.

    It is effective against muscle fever, neck- and back pain, and even helps with headaches.

  • Deep Tissue massage

    Deep tissue massage is used to relax stressed muscles, focusing on areas where pain is present.

    It helps in the treatment of muscle pain, reduces inflammation, promotes faster healing after injuries, and reduces muscle stiffness.

    It is beneficial for those who sit or stand for long periods and the best for people who engage in vigorous physical activity such as running, or who have injuries or chronic pain.

  • Trigger Point therapy

    Trigger points are tension spasms in the muscles. These muscle knots can be felt as painful, hard bumps. If you apply a lot of pressure, it can cause radiating pain around the trigger point or even to another part of the body. They cause for example head, neck, lower back, or tennis elbow pain.

    This therapy dissolves tension points by loosening spasmodic knots with slow, gradual pressure.

  • Cupping

    Cupping glass is a bell or a cone-shaped cup, made of glass, silicon, or plastic. Placed on the problematic area, we create a vacuum by removing the air.

    It has many positive results, such as muscle relaxation, and relief of muscle soreness, spasms, stiffness, and arthritis. It enhances local blood and lymph circulation and speeds up the detoxification process by stimulating metabolism.

  • Vagus Nerve treatment

    Improves stress management skills. By working on the body's 10th cranial nerve, we create the balance of the body's vegetative nervous system.

    Modern people live in permanent tension, which can have significant harmful effects. If there are too many stressors in our lives, we cannot rest, relax, and heal.

    This therapy has scientifically proven results and a deep physiological background. The vagus nerve itself determines the well-being, balance, immunity, sleep, internal medicine condition, load capacity, and the quality of your recovery.

  • Kinesio Taping

    The effectiveness of kinesio tape has been clinically proven. Correct use relieves pain and stimulates lymphatic circulation by lifting the skin. Depending on whether the muscle is from its origin to its attachment or vice versa, and to what extent I stretch the tape, and whether I pre-tension the muscle or not, the k-tape stimulates the work of the weak muscle or relaxes the tight muscle.

  • Pregnancy Taping

    Kinesio tape can be used from the 4th month of pregnancy until birth.

    It reduces the chance of developing rectus diastasis, and supports the waist, thereby reducing pain in the lower back. It helps maintain the condition of the skin and reduces the chance of pregnancy stretch marks. Supports the pregnant belly. Prevents and treats edema.

    The tape does not limit the mother-to-be's movement and everyday activities. It usually stays on for 5 days.


30 min40
60 min65
90 min80
Kinesio taping
With massage5
Without massage15
Prices include VAT.

The massage service is available in Oosterhout and its 20 km area with FREE delivery

If you live further away or mobile massage is not possible in your home, don't worry, just contact me!

About me

portrait of me

My name is Veronika Molnar and I'm a certified massage therapist, graduated from the International Academy of Massage. Being passionate about my work strives me to keep my skillset constantly expanded and always up-to-date.

The mission of selftime massage is to provide a professional massage experience, tailored to your unique needs. We'll put a strong emphasis on having you relaxed, while at the same time, we also amplify healing by focusing on problematic areas and specific muscles, depending on your condition and demands.

It's all about You!

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